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Feb/Mar Update... BLESSED AND BUSY

Updated: Oct 28, 2022

BLESSED AND BUSY would be a good description of my life since the January/February letter. I didn’t take pictures of every coffee/meal here at the house, nor of all the writers’ critique meetings here with four of us, nor the monthly larger WRITERS CLUB, nor ALL the PRIMETIMERS potlucks, missions outreaches, Sunday morning “Traditions” services, wonderful neighbors (don’t forget the dogs!)......You get the picture....Pun intended. Below is a peak at “life in Loveland/Fort Collins” for me......not forgetting the burden we share with those who suffer so greatly in Ukraine (and frankly in other parts of the world, too.)

Yes, I did get to host the YWAM team I mentioned in my last letter....COVID patients fully

recovered......Dear friend Virginia Pippin helped me.....AND treated me to a wonderful dinner and movie for my 87th!

Parents of our Mark’s buddy in first grade live in our area, and are part of the church. They sat at my table the last PRIMETIMERS potluck....and I had the joy of Marcia Lee being with me that day! She came from Steamboat Springs for the week.

Writers Club has many categories. Kris gives a demonstration of her journaling and photo books created for the legacy of her children.

I got to design the display and brochures for the Ministry Fair at the last potluck. We have around 225 attend. It was great to share our many ministries with each other.

There have been many answers to prayer these two months......The Lord’s protection, provision, healing, and leading is beyond my comprehension.....One dear friend (Leahrose) was at church on Sunday morning. She fell that afternoon and broke her hip. The next day (unplanned) she had a new hip....and a new lease on life. She was back in church in two weeks, has hosted her single ladies and widows monthly luncheon at her house, walks better than she has for a long time. We keep praying and trusting that the darkness of this world - Ukrain and the total upheaval of our country AND the world - will somehow glorify the Lord and we will see the Lord’s beautiful healing, as we are seeing in Leahrose.

I would ask for special prayer for some grandparents (and their children and grandchildren!) whose grandchildren are walking away from the ways of the Lord that have always been a part of their lives. Even some missionaries I have watched demonstrate wonderful parenting and living patterns have children walking away from the Lord (and their parents). (It almost seems like Satan’s very busy, knowing he doesn’t have long to get his work done! ) I was blessed when one missionary parent related to me how he responded to his son after the son explained that he could no longer believe as his father does. My friend said (in so many words), “I always prayed you would own your own faith.”

A prayer request I have for my sister-in-law, Henrietta Pittman. (We are the only two left in our generation.) Her five daughters were planning an 85th birthday celebration for her in June. They are now concerned that her health is so frail, it would probably be too much for her. Thanks for your prayers, (Her daughter Pam was the one with cancer. She is doing well after all the stresses of cancer treatments. Another PRAISE THE LORD!)

I join all of us with a prayer for the country of Ukraine and others who suffer right now.....praying the “God of Heavens Armies”.....the God of all the kingdoms of the earth.....will bend down and listen.... and for His honor will defend and protect. (Isaiah 37:14, 17-20, 35).

I STARTED THIS LETTER WITH REJOICING, AND I WANT TO END WITH REJOICING......I’M THANKFUL FOR SUCH FAITHFUL, LOVING ONES AS YOU ALL ARE TO ME....AND I REMEMBER THAT JESUS SAID WHEN ALL THESE THINGS COME WE ARE TO LIFT UP OUR HEADS AND REJOICE, AS IT SAYS IN THE AMPLIFIED VERSION - Luke 21:28 Now when these things begin to occur, stand tall and lift up your heads [in joy], because [suffering ends as] your redemption is drawing near.”

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