I’m going to try to give you a bird’s eye view, since I’m actually writing this on myphone......MycomputerandIarenotgettingalong.🤪😉 It thinks it’s older than I am, so it’s not receptive to being cooperative.😂 Speaking of old, I’m grateful for energy, stamina, and opportunities to be involved with people and the Lord’s work.....both tremendous blessings.
My latest ventures include:
Working with the church Writers Club....And trying to “write” now and then, with help from my smaller critique group.....Actually dusting off some old manuscripts and updating them. Involved with Widows/Single Ladies Lunches
Playing piano duo with an organist for pre-service at Traditions Sunday services -This has encouraged me tremendously, because it has made me PRACTICE and actually PLAY , even with the struggle I have due to my hearing pitches and tones......
Reformatting “my story” booklet NEVER SAY CAN’T, and using it as a witness and inspiration with different groups and individuals.....Long story: The booklets didn’t make it to the ladies retreat in the spring 🙀 ......When putting them out on a table at church for the attendees to pick up one, they’re disappearing by numbers, necessitating printing multiple times.......The one “goof ” in not getting them to the retreat has broadened my “playing field” 😅 beyond anything I could have imagined.......Wouldn’t you know my Creator Redeemer God had plans I didn’t anticipate.......As I’m sure He has with you....I pray you know how special YOU are, also, in His plans. My neighbors continue to be a large part of my life (and their grandchildren & dogs!)👏
This is definitely repeating, but I’m so grateful to be involved with my Christian brothers and sisters in the church, as well as outside my local church.....I’m so blessed with great neighbors and many of you who partner with me in prayer, financial gifts, and just plain cheerleaders, family, and friends.

When we first arrived in Colorado, I was at the church picnic getting to know the ladies at my table. What a pleasant surprise that one of them was mother of my dear SEND friend/co-worker, Holly Greeson, from Alaska!! Last Tuesday, we celebrated the life of Holly’s mother (92 years old!) who has gone to Glory. The picture is Holly on the right, her daughter on the left (finishing high school when we were in Alaska)......still beautiful, and mom of FIVE boys! The tall beauty is Susan Bebo, a mutual friend of mine and Holly.......LIVING HERE IN LOVELAND! Some of you kept in touch about Susan when she had the kidney transplant.....andYES! She is doing great! Susan’s husband brought the message for the memorial. In the midst of realizing the void with Holly’s mother “absent from us and present with the Lord,” seeing the blessings the Lord has heaped on Susan with the second successful kidney transplant was a triumphant reminder in the midst of the loss.
I will be your God throughout your lifetime— until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you. Isaiah 46:4 (New Living Translation)
Ed would be so proud of me (with my black thumb!)....

With help from my neighbors and Marcia (who came down from Steamboat Springs to help me plant flowers), I have beautiful flowers!