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Since my May/June Update, (thank you, son Mark) life has been blessed and non-stop……some planned by Yours truly, and some planed by the Lord (without consulting me!) 😊 Great idea! I rejoice with David the Psalmist who says in Psalm 16:5-6 (when he was weary and tired of running from Saul): “Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance…..” You will enjoy reading the entire psalm!

I have pictures of **time with widows groups **wonderful visits from old friends (emphasis on “FRIENDS” **birthday party with my “bonus* grandson Benjamin (the name “bonus” is what my “Moore kids” call me…..their prayer Mom: “Bonus Mom”….OK, so I now call all my “prayer kids” my “bonus” kids!) 😙 I’m sure my own family are happy to share since they become their “bonus family.” **At 88, never having been to Hawaii, Mark & Lauren treated me to six wonderful days in Hawaii at their new condo. (Dear friend Susan Bebo….friend in Alaska….now in Loveland…. lets me use her mlles on Southwest!) How blessed am I!

I take the wheelchair in airports, partly for MY need, and partially for protection of OTHER passengers!……Not enough space to tell you details——but i’m the only passenger I know who has had my pilots push my wheelchair to connecting gates when wheelchair valets failed to show!!!🥺 Is that not the best story of this letter??😊 Of course, my Savior pilots me, and He does a great job of getting me to the right place at the right time.

So as I am ending the major part of summer with a “rewind” of my days, let me say THANK YOU for any part you have in my life, and am praying the Lord will bless each one.

My prayer lists have your names…..the latest earnest prayer is for Bobby Hoobyar family. At 91, he joined Ed & many of our loved ones in Heaven recently…..praying for God’s peace & comfort for Jan & the family. (Bobby & Jan grew up with Ed in the same church….we were at Moody Bible Institute together…..many years shared! )

Thank you for sharing in my life and for the blessing many of you are to me.

In Christ’s delight, Mabel

Mabel quenching her thirst upon arriving in Hawaii, The View ; Lauren brought a beautiful lei;

Mark & Lauren with that marvelous Hawaii-style tree; view from their condo; Arriving in Hawaii;

Single ladies/widows luncheon in the Colorado mountains; Sue Moore Donaldson (WELCOME HEART Blogs), “bonus mom” to her and hubby Mark (and siblings ) visit from California;

l-r Sue & Mabel; husband Mark with inscribed tea towel “bonus Mom”; blog post describing who I am to Sue; picture of Sue, Mark & Mabel used in Sue’s blog

Mark, Lauren, Mabel at a luau; Mabel at Pearl Harbor Memorial

Visit from “bonus daughter” Rosalyn Otto with Mabel; Recent photo from a birthday celebration; “Grandma Mabel” at McDonalds with Benjamin Bebo (r…..10 year birthday) and Cash McSwain.

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Darlene Sala
Darlene Sala
٢٧ فبراير ٢٠٢٤

So glad I can get your website and keep up with the latest! (Though, I can't actually "keep up" with you with your busy schedule.) Hahaha. You are a joy to know and an inspiration, Mabel. Harold has healed from a broken bone in his foot. Had to spend 6 weeks in bed healing. So now he is doing exercises to regain his ability to walk. We have to have a caregiver every day for him as I cannot lift him and take care of all his needs. But the Lord is with us every day, and we are so grateful. Early Happy Easter to you! And much love



Ann Baur
Ann Baur
٠٦ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٣

Love every update, Mabel! You continue to thrive on the Lord's goodness, enjoying his blessings and provisions! Love you dearly...Phil and Ann


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