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Mabel’s Update January/February 2023

HAPPY 2023 (SINCE I CAN’T REALLY SAY “NEW YEAR!”) ...........AND (late) Happy Valentines Day......... ALL of you who read this are truly in my heart and often on my mind.......I will try to share these two months with a few pictures. My life is full, and I praise the Lord for *neighbors (who watch over the “neighborhood grandma”), the *widows’ & single gals’ groups, *Writers Club, *just “plain ole friends”......*Family (& extended family) *Playing piano again!!.... MOST OF ALL *some wonderful answers to prayer.There is no way I could share all of these things in one letter.

Christmas with Alaskan/ Lovdeland Bebos..... Two days later mutual Alaskan friends, Jay & Laurie Johnson (After the snow had cleared!!)

THANK YOU ALL for the lovely Cards, email. texts, phone calls for my 88th birthday

Writers Club small group celebrate my birthday

Four friends celebrate at Virginia’s home (Sorry..... Leahrose is the photographer)

Son Mark celebrated 55!! WE always have double digit birthdays the same years...double blessings. HOWEVER, our best birthday gift is wife Lauren’s health. Tests had shown probable cancer, but after a complete hysterectomy, all reports showed negative! PTl!

Each new year, we’re challenged to choose a word for the year. For 2023, I chose three: JOY, PRAYER, THANKSGIVING Being challenged from the Bible verse I Thessalonians 5:16: Be joyful always; pray continually, give thanks IN all circumstances. I’m being blessed as it reminds me Who God Is, and who I am.....such power in God’s Word!

Love and prayers for a blessed 2023........Mabel

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Ann Baur
Ann Baur
Mar 06, 2023

I LOVE this website. And I love you, Mabel! "Joy, Prayer, Thanksgiving" already characterizes you, but it is a good thing to continually remind yourself (and us!) of the need to bear these qualities for our own good and for God's glory. Sending much love from Phil and Ann...


Feb 23, 2023

I am SO impressed - you have your OWN WEBSITE! What other 88 year old do we know who has that!! And it's great - thank you for the heads up each month to check in for Updates! Love it! Love you, Jackie, (one of your "Wheaton switchboard girls" for those who don't know me!)

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